阅读理解:(1)Once again seething residual anger has b
(1)Once again, seething, residual anger has burst forth in an American city. And the riots that overtook Los Angeles were a reminder of what knowledgeable observers have been saying for a quarter-ccntury: America will continue paying a high price in civil and ethnic unrest enless the nation commits itself to programs that help the urban poor lead productive and resectablelives.
21) B:文章细节题:A选项(good grade)是年轻人所缺乏的,military training和national service都不提供,C选项(mutual trust)是national service所提供的,原文是“reconnect Americans to the rest of us.),军事训练提供的是“对于能力的彼此尊重(mutual respect for each other’s abilities),而不是mutual trust,所以C不对;D选项的work ethic和national service有关,原文是personal responsibility的复述,但这不是military training能提供的。B选项是两种形式都提供的,原文为:1)military training: in military life…, it is taught and learned in an atmosphere of discipline and earned … 2)with its emphasis on discipline….., national service can provide both the training….,这里两者都提到了discipline,和选项B自律是最大相似改写(self-discipline),因此B选项是正确答案。
22) A:例证题:原文在提到父亲时的原文为:Discipline is the cornerstone of any responsible citizen’s life. 然后才提到自己父亲的经历,因此作者的例证应该是和discipline有关,故A选项是正确的。
23) A:取非题:B选项和C选项在文章中明确提到过,C选项(confidence and hope)是最后一句的改写:“national service can provide both the training and that first vital job that will reconnect these Americans with the rest of us.”,只有A选项(increase of income)在文章内没有提到过。故A选项是正确的。
24) B:指代题:问fire指代什么?在原文首段第一句中,作者指出:Once again, seething, residual anger burst forth in an American city. 这与末段最后一句,Let’s do it now before the fire next time是最大相似改写,由此可知,这里的fire应该指“怒火”,故B选项是正确答案。
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