阅读理解: (1)It's 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in Ju
阅读理解: (1)It"s 7 pm on a balmy Saturday night in June, and I have just ordered my first beer in I Cervejaria, a restaurant in Zambujeira do Mar, one of the prettiest villages on Portugal"s in this sout
11)A:细节题,问第四段前半部分提出什么事实?原文为:Life is rolling along at treacly pace; there is an unnerving stillness to the landscape. C选项在文章中无法得到,选项B(little known)和D选项(stunning)是段落后部分的,因此答案为A选项。
12)C:指代题:问the lack of awareness指什么?本题为承上启下的出法,上一段的最后一句话为…but day after day, we had spectacular beaches to ourselves, 下一段开篇就说the lack of awareness, 因此这里的the lack of awareness应该和spectacular beaches有关。A选项无法得到,而B选项和D选项都是缺乏意识的原因,而不是the lack of awareness的指代,属于答非所谓。因此C是正确答案。
13)C:词汇题:问使用gloriously的意图:原句为:A kilometer away from the main house, pool and restaurant, it is gloriously isolated. 可见这里应该是将自己的家和周边环境进行对比,并无夸赞之意思,ABD都可以排除,C选项为正确答案:gloriously的字面意思为辉煌的、光荣的,成功的,但是做反语讽刺的时候,为“极度的”
14)D:句子含义题:问“we never ate the same food twice”是什么意思,原文为:Knowing that at everyone there would be a cabinet full of fresh seafood to choose from… we never ate the same food twice. 由此可知,原文强调的是种类多,而不是新鲜好吃,其他选项都不对,D为正确答案。
15) A:段落主旨题:问哪个主题是重复的。原文的第一段和最后一段都提到风景,第一段是prettiest village, 最后一段是idyllic natural harbor, clear …water,没有重复B选项错误;seafood在第11段出现,但是第1段没有出现,所以C选项错误;accommodation在第一段提到过(B%B)但是在最后一段没有提到过;但是两个段落都提到了这里的荒芜人员,第一段的empty和最后一段的deserted,属于近义词改写,都涉及“吸引公众的注意、为公众所知”,因此A选项(publicity)是正确的。
阅读理解:(1)I can still remember the faces when I sugg
阅读理解:(1)I can still remember the faces when I suggested a method of dealing with what most teachers of English consid
作文:summarize the main arguments in the two excerpt
作文:summarize the main arguments in the two excerpts,and thenexpress your opinion towwards jod hopping, especially on whether
__combination of techniques authors use all stori
__combination of techniques authors use, all stories—from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novels—have a plot ARegardingBWhateverCIn so far asDNo matter
Ms Ennab is one the first Palestnian __with seven
Ms Ennab is one the first Palestnian __with seven years’ racing experience Awoman driversBwomen driverCwomen driversDwoman driver
She followed the receptionist down a luxurious cor
She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, __the woman gave a quick knock before opening it Aon whichBbut whenCwhereinDthen