阅读理解:(1)I can still remember the faces when I sugg
(1)I can still remember the faces when I suggested a method of dealing with what most teachers of English considered one of their pet horrors, extended reading. The room was full of tired teachers, and many were quite cynical about the offer to work together to create a new and dynamic approach to the place of stories in the classroom.
16) C:推导题:A选项的strongly过度,BD和文章内容相反。
17) A:句子含义题:原文第四段强调我们是善于讲故事的(we are story tellers),B选项的like telling和D选项中的like listening都与此意不相符;C选项中的born与文章原意不相符,所以A选项是正确的
18) B:细节题:原文为:The creative circle is not complete without the reader, who will supply their own creative process into the process …A writer begins it; A reader finishes it. AC选项在文章中没有,D选项是“互换的、互补的、相互的”,而原文更强调读者参与度对作品的帮助,而没有强调作者对于读者的帮助,这与A writer begins it; A reader finishes it.不符。由此可见,作者和读者之间应更多体现出协作关系,所以B选项是正确的。
19) A:细节推导题:原文为:The principal aim of pre-reading is to get students to want to read the text,故排除B选项(打好基础),C选项(吸引学生注意力);此后作者指出:We developed activities which use clues … from the text yet to be read…(我们开发出活动,运用课文中的线索),而选项D强调(pre-reading provides clues to the text to be read);主语不一致,故D选项是错误的;A选项是正确答案:这与段落结尾(releasing imagination is the objective)相符。
20) C:拓宽想象力应该是pre-reading的内容,而不是textual intervention的内容,故C选项是正确的。A选项在选项中明确提到;B选项(interpret ambiguities)是…narrative presents choices, …points divergence的改写;D选项(examine the structure)是the process of questioning the text改写。 故C选项是正确答案。
作文:summarize the main arguments in the two excerpt
作文:summarize the main arguments in the two excerpts,and thenexpress your opinion towwards jod hopping, especially on whether
__combination of techniques authors use all stori
__combination of techniques authors use, all stories—from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novels—have a plot ARegardingBWhateverCIn so far asDNo matter
Ms Ennab is one the first Palestnian __with seven
Ms Ennab is one the first Palestnian __with seven years’ racing experience Awoman driversBwomen driverCwomen driversDwoman driver
She followed the receptionist down a luxurious cor
She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, __the woman gave a quick knock before opening it Aon whichBbut whenCwhereinDthen
I wondered if I could have a word with you. The
"I wondered if I could have a word with you " The paet tense used in the sentence refers to a ___ Apast event for exact