According to the Liquidity Preference Theory if t
According to the Liquidity Preference Theory, if the yield curve is upward sloping, expectations of short-term rates in the future:
A. must be rising.
B. must be declining.
C. can either be rising or declining.
Ans:C;Case 1: if the market believes short-term interest rates will risk in the future, adding a liquidity premium to the resulting upward sloped yield will keep the upward sloping trend of the yield curve;Case 2: even if the market believes short-term interest rates will decline in the future, adding a liquidity premium to the resulting downward sloped yield curve can result in an upward sloping yield curve;Therefore, C is correct.
Duration is most accurate as a measure of interest
Duration is most accurate as a measure of interest rate risk for a bond portfolio when the slope of the yield curve:A increases B decreases C stays the same
A fixed income portfolio manager is evaluating inv
A fixed income portfolio manager is evaluating investments in the mortgagemarket but is concerned about prepayment risk The
When interest rates fall the price of a callable
When interest rates fall, the price of a callable bond will:A rise more than an option-free bond B rise less than an option-free bond C fall less than an option-free bond
If the yield on a 5-year U.S. corporate bond is 7.
If the yield on a 5-year U S corporate bond is 7 45% and the yield on a 5-year U S Treasury note is 4 33%, the relative yield spread of the bond is closest to:A 3 12% B 172 06% C 72 06%
Consider two ten-year bonds one that contains no
Consider two ten-year bonds, one that contains no embedded options and the other that gives its owner the right to convert