Consider two ten-year bonds one that contains no
Consider two ten-year bonds, one that contains no embedded options and the other that gives its owner the right to convert the bond to a fixed number of shares of the issuer’s common stock. The convertibility option in the second bond cannot be exercised for five years. The bonds are otherwise identical. Compared with the yield on the convertible bond, the yield on the bond with the embedded option is most likely:
A. lower.
B. the same.
C. higher.
Ans:A;A is correct because the convertibility option provides a benefit to the investor, who will accept a lower yield on the convertible bond compared with the option-free bond.
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According to the market segmentation theory an up
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If market interest rates rise the price of a call
If market interest rates rise, the price of a callable bond, compared to an otherwiseidentical option-free bond, will most l
On January 1st of the year an investor purchases
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