Indirect cooling of fuel injector nozzle holders f
Indirect cooling of fuel injector nozzle holders for diesel engines is accomplished primarily by
A.heat conduction into the injected fuel oil
B.heat conduction into the water jacket wall
C.water circulation through passages in the holder
D.fuel oil circulation through passages m the holder
过度磨损的活塞环槽光车之后 可采用_______恢复尺寸A.磨削B.堆焊C.镶垫环D.镀铁请帮忙给出
过度磨损的活塞环槽光车之后,可采用_______恢复尺寸A 磨削B 堆焊C 镶垫环D 镀铁请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
Which statement is NOT true?A.In a simple vane pum
Which statement is NOT true?A In a simple vane pump, the rotor and cam ring are exactly concentricB Balanced vane pump has
During the watch keeping at sea the engineer in c
During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify______in the event of any serious occurrence or a situ
Sanitary waste matter will .(1)pass through a scre
Sanitary waste matter will (1)pass through a screen or cutters (2)come into contact with the bacteria in a tank (3)be disc
In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling syste
In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled