During the watch keeping at sea the engineer in c
During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify______in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to take
A.the master
B.the chief engineer
C.the bridge
D.the company superintendent
Sanitary waste matter will .(1)pass through a scre
Sanitary waste matter will (1)pass through a screen or cutters (2)come into contact with the bacteria in a tank (3)be disc
In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling syste
In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled
承磨环应用于_______式活塞上A 筒状B 超短裙C 长裙和短裙D 短裙请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
钢质活塞外圆表面磨损不太严重时采用光车修复 但应保证_______A.表面粗糙度符合要求B.表面质量
钢质活塞外圆表面磨损不太严重时采用光车修复,但应保证_______A 表面粗糙度符合要求B 表面质量C 活塞与气缸间隙D 几何形状误差符合要求请帮忙给出正确答
为了保证_______的强度 要求同一活塞上不得有两道环槽采用修理尺寸法修理A.活塞B.环C.环槽D
为了保证_______的强度,要求同一活塞上不得有两道环槽采用修理尺寸法修理A 活塞B 环C 环槽D 槽脊请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!