The yield on a U.S. Treasury STRIPS security is al
The yield on a U.S. Treasury STRIPS security is also known as the Treasury:
A. spot rate.
B. forward rate.
C. yield spread.
Ans:A;Spot rates are the appropriate discount rates for cash flows that come at different points in time; while yield to maturity is the single discount rate that makes the present value of a bond’s promised cash flows equal to its market price. Therefore, yield to maturity is flat while spot rate is not flat because the discount rate for a payment that comes one year from now is not necessarily the same discount rate that should be applied to a payment that comes five years from now.Conceptually, spot rates are the discount rates for zero-coupon bonds, securities that have only a single cash flow at a future date.A is correct because a STRIPS security is a zero-coupon bond with no default risk and therefore represents the appropriate discount rate for a cash flow certain to be received at the maturity date for the STRIPS.
One reason why the duration of a portfolio of bond
One reason why the duration of a portfolio of bonds does not properly reflect that portfolio’s yield curve risk is that t
新任基金托管人由( )提名。A.基金主要发起人B.基金管理人C.基金管理人或基金主要发起人D.基金持
新任基金托管人由( )提名。A 基金主要发起人B 基金管理人C 基金管理人或基金主要发起人D 基金持有人大会
判断题:在商标侵权诉讼中 人民法院为确定赔偿数额 在权利人已经尽力举证 而与侵权行为相关的账簿 资料
保证金制度 就是指在期货交易中 任何交易者必须按其所买入或者卖出期货合约价值的一定交纳资金 这个比例
保证金制度,就是指在期货交易中,任何交易者必须按其所买入或者卖出期货合约价值的一定交纳资金,这个比例通常在( )A 3%-5%B 3%-8%C 5%-10%D 10%-15%
甲公司系增值税一般纳税人 购入一套需安装的生产设备 取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为300万元 增