A channel has all input x consisting of the number
A channel has all input x consisting of the numbers +1 and -1 used with the probabilities PX(+1)=PX(-1)=1/2.The output y is the sum of x and an independent noise random variable n with the probability density pn(n)=1/4 for -2≤n≤2 and pn(n)=0 elsewhere.In other words,the conditional probability density of y condition on x is given by pY|X(y|x)=1/4 for -2≤y-x≤2 and pY|X(y|x)=0 elsewhere. (1)Find and sketch the output probability density for the channel. (2)Find I(X;Y). (3)Suppose that the output is transformed into a new discrete random variable x defined z=1 for y>1;z=0 for -1≤y≤+1;z= -1 for y<-1.Find I(X;Z)and interpret your result. (4)For a discrete X,Y ensemble,let Z be a new ensemble with elements determined by the elements in the Y ensemble,z=z(y).Show that if P(x|z(y))=P(x|y),then I(X;Z)=I(X;Y).
试计算d=12mm圆管 d=12mm D=20mm以及d=12mm D=24mm同心环状管道的水力直
液压系统从蓄能器A到电磁阀B的距离l=4m 管径d=20mm 壁厚δ=1 mm 钢的弹性模量E=2.
液压系统从蓄能器A到电磁阀B的距离l=4m,管径d=20mm,壁厚δ=1 mm,钢的弹性模量E=2.2×105MPa,油的体积模量K=1.33×103MPa,油密度为900kg/m2,管
设有一个信源 它产生0 1序列的消息。它在任意时间而且不论以前发出过什么符号 均按P(0)=0.4
若将上题中两薄壁小孔串联在执行元件的回油路上 其他条件不变 试求串联两小孔的进口压力Pi。请帮忙给出
齿轮泵转速为1200r/min 理论流量为12.286L/min 齿数z=8 齿宽B=30mm 机械
齿轮泵转速为1200r/min,理论流量为12.286L min,齿数z=8,齿宽B=30mm,机械效率和容积效率均为90%,工作压力为5.0×106Pa。试求该齿轮泵的齿轮模数m