The reason why more and more of the large merchant
The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is .
A.they operate between 150 and 450 rpm
B.they are connected to the propeller by gearing
C.their smaller size and weight
D.they can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing
The trend nowadays is to build the frame box as a
The trend nowadays is to build the frame box as a separate fabricated construction and then, after stress relieving and mac
Biological treatment may use __ to treat sewage (1
Biological treatment may use __ to treat sewage (1)living organisms (2)chemicals (3)additivesA (1)B (2)C (3)D (1)(2)(3)请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
In the Second paragraph the underline word 'Who'
In the Second paragraph, the underline word "Who", in such a context, stands for_____ A the master or owner of the shipB the
Diesel engines are started by supplying_____into t
Diesel engines are started by supplying_____into the cylinders in the appropriate sequence for the required direction A cooling
During the dock repair ______should be measured fi
During the dock repair,______should be measured firstly before tail shaft drawn out A the sinking of tail shaftB the clearance