A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifo
A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel enginesto( ).
A.reduce heat radiation to the engine room
B.aid in preventing turbocharger overheating
C.condense and drain moisture from exhaust gases
D.dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold
解析:water jacket:水套;exhaust manifold:排气总管;heat radiation:热辐射;condense and drain moisture from exhaust gases:将水分从排气中冷凝析出;dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold:缓解排气总管中的废气脉动
In discussing oil pollution one important fact to
In discussing oil pollution, one important fact to remember is that the problem remains the same( )heavy( )light oil is spilled into the water A both andB whether orC neither norD because so
下列哪一种病用CT平扫无法明确诊断:()。A 脑梗死模糊期B 脑出血急性期C 脑挫伤亚急性期D 脑积水引流术后E 脑白质水肿伴大脑镰下疝
轴瓦表面的裂纹不可以采用( )方法检查。A.着色探伤B.磁力探伤C.听响D.观察
轴瓦表面的裂纹不可以采用( )方法检查。A 着色探伤B 磁力探伤C 听响D 观察
关于脑梗死CT表现的叙述 不正确的是:()。A.缺血期可表现为灰白质界限模糊B.梗塞死期脑组织肿胀
关于脑梗死CT表现的叙述,不正确的是:()。A 缺血期可表现为灰白质界限模糊B 梗塞死期脑组织肿胀、沟回变平C “模糊效应期”出现于2~3周D 1~2月后梗死
以下论述正确的是:()。A.X线衰减后的强度与入射X线强度成反比 与所穿过物质的密度及厚度成反比B.
以下论述正确的是:()。A X线衰减后的强度与入射X线强度成反比,与所穿过物质的密度及厚度成反比B X线衰减后的强度与入射X线强度成反比,与所穿过物质的