At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer off
At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with_______whether or not to maintain an underway watch
A.the engineer officer in charge of watch
B.the deck officer in charge of watch
C.the master
D.the chief mate
活塞冷却侧的裂纹是_______A 热疲劳裂纹B 机械疲劳裂纹C 接触疲劳裂纹D 蠕变请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck o
In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering, you should ____ A wash down the area immediatel
Which of the following conditions is realized by t
Which of the following conditions is realized by the turbo-charging of a previously naturally aspirated diesel engine?A Ignitio
Which of the following devices is a common basic e
Which of the following devices is a common basic element with nearly all mechanical governors?A Power pistonB Control rackC Wei
Some refrigeration systems have chemical moisture
Some refrigeration systems have chemical moisture indicators installed in conjunction with the sight glass in the liquid line