阅读材料 回答题。High tech and state of the art are tw
"High tech" and "state of the art" are two expressions that describe the modem technology. High tech is just a shorter way of saying high technology. And high technology describes any invention, system of device that uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and engineering. What is high tech? A computer is high tech. So is a communications satellite. A modem manufacturing (生产) system is surely high tech. High tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early 1955’s. Because of improvements in technology, people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores, such as home computers, microwave ovens, etc.
"State of the art" is something that is as modem as possible. It is a product that is based on the very latest methods and technology. Something that is "state of the art" is the newest possible design or product of a business or industry. A state of the art television set, for example, uses the most modem electronic design and parts. It is the best that one can buy.
"State of the art" is not a new expression. Engineers have used it for years, to describe the best and most modem way of doing something. Millions of Americans began to use the expression in the late 1970’s. The reason was the computer revolution. Every computer company claimed that its computers were "state of the art".
Computer technology changed so fast that a state of the art computer today might be old tomorrow. The expression "state of the art" became as common and popular as computers themselves. Now all kinds of products are said to be "state of the art".
What is the purpose of the passage?________ 查看材料
A.To tell how "high tech" and "state of the art" have developed.
B.To give examples of "high tech".
C.To tell what "high tech" and "state of the art " are.
D.To describe very modem technology.
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