Which of the following statements concerning the l
Which of the following statements concerning the lubrication of diesel propulsionengines used in vessels over 300 gross tons is most accurate? ( )
A.Lubrication systems using engine driven lube oil pumps do not require any additionalindependent arrangement when such arrangements have been proven reliable.
B.The use of engine driven pre-lube pumps is permitted on vessels with propulsionsystems developing less than 500 shaft horsepower.
C.When forced lubrication is used for propulsion engines , one independently drivenstandby pumps is to be provided in addition to the necessary pumps for normaloperation.
D.Lubrication systems where two oil coolers are fitted require a minimum of twotemperature control devices which may be actuated by similar sensors.
不属于冠心病并发症的是:()。A 室壁瘤B 心房纤颤C 乳头肌断裂D 室间隙穿孔E 左心功能不全
根据放射性物质放射性的强弱 《国际危规》将放射性包件按危险程度划分为( )个等级 其中( )采用黄色
根据放射性物质放射性的强弱,《国际危规》将放射性包件按危险程度划分为( )个等级,其中( )采用黄色标志。A 3 第Ⅲ类B 3 第1类C 4 第Ⅳ类D 4 第1类
隔离空舱专门用于( )。Ⅰ.油舱与淡水的分隔;Ⅱ.货油舱与机舱的分隔;Ⅲ.货舱与货舱之间的分隔。A.
隔离空舱专门用于( )。Ⅰ 油舱与淡水的分隔;Ⅱ 货油舱与机舱的分隔;Ⅲ 货舱与货舱之间的分隔。A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅱ+ⅢC Ⅰ+ⅢD Ⅰ~Ⅲ
脑内血肿的亚急性早期指:()。A.出血后2天 细胞膜完整B.出血后第3天到第5天 细胞膜完整C.出血
脑内血肿的亚急性早期指:()。A 出血后2天,细胞膜完整B 出血后第3天到第5天,细胞膜完整C 出血后第5天到第10天,细胞膜开始破裂D 出血后10天到3周,红细
胆管细胞囊腺癌CT表现 不包括:()。A.实质部分为低密度B.囊壁厚薄不均C.可见囊壁结节D.囊内液
胆管细胞囊腺癌CT表现,不包括:()。A 实质部分为低密度B 囊壁厚薄不均C 可见囊壁结节D 囊内液体密度E 病变显著强化