Using Venn diagrcuns(维拉图) we can see that mutual i
Using Venn diagrcuns(维拉图),we can see that mutual information common to three random variable X,Y and Z should be defined by I(X;Y;Z)=I(X;Y) - I(X;Y|Z) This quantity is symmetric in X,Y and Z,despite the preceding asymmetric define.Unfortunately,I(X;Y;Z)is not nesessarily nonnegative.Find X,Y,Z such that I(X;Y;Z)<0,and Prove the following two identities: I(X;Y;Z)=H(XYZ) - H(X) - H(Y) - H(Z)+I(X;Y)+I(Y;Z)+I(Z;X) I(X;Y;Z)=H(XYZ) - H(XY) - H(YZ) - H(ZX)+H(X)+H(Y)+H(Z) The first identity can be understood using the Venn diargram analogy for entropy and mutual lnlormatlon.The second identity follows easily from the first.
近似认为此信源为无记忆时 符号的概率分布等于平稳分布。求近似信源的熵H(X)并与H∞进行比较。请帮忙
若每个字母出现的概率分别为pA=1/5 pB=1/4 pC=1/4 pD=3/10 试计算传输的平均
若每个字母出现的概率分别为pA=1 5,pB=1 4,pC=1 4,pD=3 10,试计算传输的平均信息速率?请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
2水平放置的光滑圆管由两段组成(见图1-12) 直径d1=10mm d2=6mm 长度l=3m油液密
若A B是可分辨的 求A B同都落入的平均自信息量。请帮忙给出正确答案和分析 谢谢!
Show that ρ(X Y)=H(X|Y)+H(Y|X) has the above prope
Show that ρ(X,Y)=H(X|Y)+H(Y|X) has the above properties,and is therefore a metric.Note that ρ(X,Y) is the number of bits