When comparing two firms an analyst shouldmost ap
When comparing two firms, an analyst shouldmost appropriately adjust the financial statements when they include significant:
A. acquisition goodwill, if one of the firms reports under IFRS and the other under U.S.GAAP.
B. property, plant, and equipment, if one of the firms uses accelerated depreciation and the other uses straight-line depreciation.
C. unrealized losses from securities held for trading, if one of the firms uses fair value reporting for securities investments and the other does not.
Depreciation methods are an example of a difference that may require an analyst to adjust financial statements to make them comparable. Acquisition goodwill is treated the same way under IFRS and U.S.GAAP: it is not amortized but is tested for impairment at least annually. Securities held for trading are reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses reported on the income statement.
A company reports that to maintain good relations
A company reports that to maintain good relations with its suppliers, it has entered into a financing arrangement with a ba
Zhan Wang CFA is analyzing Bao Company by projec
Zhan Wang, CFA, is analyzing Bao Company by projecting pro forma financial statements Zhan expects Bao to generate sales of
下列关于基金宣传推介材料规范的说法中 正确的是( )A.推介货币市场基金的 可以保证最低收益B.电台
下列关于基金宣传推介材料规范的说法中,正确的是( )A 推介货币市场基金的,可以保证最低收益B 电台广播应当以旁白形式提示投资人注意风险并参考该基金
下列关于投资者教育基本原则的说法中 错误的是( )A.投资者教育存在一个固定的模式B.投资者教育不应
下列关于投资者教育基本原则的说法中,错误的是( )A 投资者教育存在一个固定的模式B 投资者教育不应被视为是对市场参与者监管工作的替代C 鉴于投资者的
在我国 基金管理人只能由依法设立的( )担任。A.商业银行B.保险公司C.基金管理公司D.信托公司
在我国,基金管理人只能由依法设立的( )担任。A 商业银行B 保险公司C 基金管理公司D 信托公司