某公司某年6月发生经济业务如下:(1) 出纳员向银行提取现金30000元 准备发放工资(2) 以现金
1) 借:库存现金 30000
贷:银行存款 30000
2) 借:应付职工薪酬 30000
贷:库存现金 30000
3) 借:原材料 3000
贷:应付账款 3000
4) 借:固定资产 60000
贷:银行存款 60000
5) 借:银行存款 100000
贷:长期借款 100000
下列关于商业汇票的表述中 正确的有( )A.商业汇票的付款期限 最长不得超过6个月B.商业汇票的提示
下列关于商业汇票的表述中,正确的有( )A 商业汇票的付款期限,最长不得超过6个月B 商业汇票的提示付款期限,自汇票到期日起10日C 根据承兑人不同,商业
Given the following information in the table whic
Given the following information in the table, which of the following gives the closest value for a 0% coupon, 5-year, $100 par value option-free bond?A 78 12 B 80 05 C 79 94
Assuming an annual discount rate of 5% which of t
Assuming an annual discount rate of 5%, which of the following is closest to the value of a 10-year, 6% coupon, $1000 par value bond with semi-annual payments?A $1077 2 B $1077 9 C $1075 0
写出以下五个小题的会计分录:(1)提取现金500元备用。(2)采购商品一批 增值税专用发票列示的价款
写出以下五个小题的会计分录:(1)提取现金500元备用。(2)采购商品一批,增值税专用发票列示的价款10 000元,增值税1 700元,货已入库,款未付。(3)销售
The difference between Z-spread and nominal spread
The difference between Z-spread and nominal spread will most likely be the most significant for a:A Treasury security with