1. In China, have television programs changed much in recent years?
Yes. There are more television programs now and they are becoming more diversified. For example, more reality shows have been produced.
2. How do you think TV programs in China could be improved?
Of course they could be improved. I think nowadays more people have devoted themselves to the development of TV programs. Many new and excellent programs have appeared.
3. Do you play video games?
I only play video games when I’m bored, for example, when I’m waiting for the bus and I have nothing better to do.
4. What kinds of video games do you like to play?
I like to play Kinect games. Especially when my friends come to my house, I would invite them to play with me. It is full of fun.
5. Is it good for young people to play video games?
I think young people sometimes are under great pressure from work or study, so it will do them good if they play video games occasionally. Just don’t get addicted to the games.
Describe an experience that you waited for something. You should say:
What you waited for
How long you waited
Why you waited for it
and explain how you felt about it
I couldn’t have a better understanding of what wait means if I didn’t experience waiting for the result for my first job interview. At that time, I just graduated from university and got an interview opportunity from a big famous company. I was overjoyed when hearing this. I remembered that there was only one week left for my job interview. I searched for floods of information about the history and major market of the company to fully prepare the interview. On the interview day, I began to know that there are four rounds of interviews before the final result came. First of all, I had to complete the written test. After that, I had to meet a department leader for face-to-face interview. In the third round, I had to complete a group task with other competitors. Finally, I had the opportunity to confront one of the chief executive with a final brainstorm activity. Fortunately, I won the opportunity for the fourth round. However, they told me to wait for the result in the end. I waited for the offer for two weeks. Yes, I was very confident that there could be an offer waiting for me. Nevertheless, they didn’t call me back. I can’t tolerate the fact that they didn’t give me a feedback, so I called them. They said sorry about the delaying offer but without any explanation. Coincidentally, I had to move to another city for some personal reasons. So I gave up that offer.
I felt unsatisfied without any reasonable explanation for the delaying notification of the offer. I spent so much time preparing and experiencing the interviews so I tolerated with the wait. However, I can’t feel any equal respect from them. Even if I didn’t move to the city I live now, I could still linger on accepting the offer. I suffered a lot from the more than two-week wait.
①Do you think patience is important?
I do think that patience is important. It is required in all realms and it is a virtue that everyone should possess. For students, being patient could help them to shape their talents and abilities into real achievements. In other words, students have to really focus on their learning and make dedicate efforts for a long time. They have to be patient because the accumulation of knowledge requires a long time. For scientists, they also need to be patient. Nowadays many diseases that were deemed incurable have been conquered. These achievements have been made possible through repeated experiments and they require great patience.
②Why is it difficult for children to be patient?
Well I think the reasons may vary. Sometimes children seem impatient because their capabilities are limited. They may want to tell their parents something but they could not organize their language well. They may want to pick up a toy but instead they get tripped. These things happen a lot, so it is natural that they sometimes get upset and look impatient. And to children who grow older and can totally control their body, they sometimes get impatient because they care more about results than process and they are too eager to complete something. So parents should help to guide their children.
③What would you do if you wait for someone for a long time?
Well it depends on whom I’m waiting for. If the person I’m waiting for is one of my customers, I guess I would first call him or her to make sure the customer has not forgotten our appointment. If nothing keeps the customer from coming, I would keep waiting. After all, it is my job and I have to do my duty. While I am waiting, I could use my e-reader to read books or play games on my cellphone. I would do anything that helps to kill time. If I am waiting for a friend, maybe I won’t be so patient. I would call and urge my friend to come quickly.
④Would you easily feel angry when you wait for a long time?
Well it depends. If the person I’m going to see keeps me waiting for a long time with no excusable reasons, I think I may get angry. Each time I make an appointment with my friend, I would mark the date on my calendar so that I won’t forget it. I think it is a sign of respect to be there on time. I wish my friends could do the same. But if they are late because of justified reasons, I guess it is understandable. There was a time that I waited for a friend for nearly two hours. I called her for dozens of times but nobody answered. Later I got to know that her cellphone was stolen and she had to report to the police.
⑤Have you ever been late for meeting someone?
Well I seldom arrive late when I’m meeting someone. I think it is a sign of respect to arrive on time, but there was this one time that I did get late in an appointment with my friend Jim. We planned to watch a movie together at 4:00 pm. When I was about to go, I got a call from my supervisor. She asked me to go to her office to talk about my paper. I thought it would be a short talk so I just texted my friend that I might be late for a few minutes. But it turned out that we had discussed the paper for nearly an hour. So I was late for the movie. I felt very bad about myself.
Describe an experience of good service in a shop or restaurant. You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
How you felt about it
and explain why you think it was good service