When the prime movers of two paralleled generators
When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical-hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will .
A.pick up more of any increase in load
B.pick up less of any increase in load
C.share an equal amount of any increase in load
D.drop an equal amount of any decrease in load
用从扫气口用硬棒触动观察的方法检查和判断活塞环的状态 如发现所触动的环在环槽中不需用力就能活动自如
用从扫气口用硬棒触动观察的方法检查和判断活塞环的状态,如发现所触动的环在环槽中不需用力就能活动自如,则说明该活塞环______。A 正常B 断裂C 弹力不
The delivery rate of an axial piston hydraulic pum
The delivery rate of an axial piston hydraulic pump is controlled by varying the position of theA tilting boxB slide blockC pintleD reaction ring请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
Which factor determines the ring dam size for a fu
Which factor determines the ring dam size for a fuel oil, tubular bowl type, centrifugal purifier?A The viscosity of the fue
During sea trial the main engine will be kept run
During sea trial, the main engine will be kept run at______loadA 100%B 110%C 85%D different请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
Positive displacement helical gear pumps are well
Positive displacement, helical gear pumps are well suited for pumping oil becauseA stuffing boxes eliminate the leakage problem